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Envisioning Tomorrow’s Code – Executive Exchange-2

Software Excellence NetworkEnvisioning Tomorrow's Code - Master Classes
16th of May, 2024 - Videos & PowerPoints

The Hasso Plattner Institute, EY, MaibornWolff, Seerene, and the German Deep Tech Group invited some of the leading software executives and academics to the EY tower in Berlin Mitte for a day of open dialogue and strategy.

Speakers' Quotes

Döllner Envisioning Headshot
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Döllner
Hasso Plattner Institute
"In five to ten years, everything in software development will be completely different. Why I believe this? Generative AI is aware of everything that has ever been encoded, so long as it is in GitHub. So the world's best programmer will be the machine."
Herzig Envisioning Headshot
Dr. Philipp Herzig
Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, SAP
"There are many young talents in software development, but where do they get their skills from? Generally from senior developers. However, these senior developers don't have any time. But these senior developers will be unburdened, because the AI-generated code is so good that they can spend less time determining if the quality is adequate and more time training the young developers."
Bohnet Envisioning Headshot
Dr. Johannes Bohnet
CEO & Founder, Seerene
"Small, specifiable problems can already be solved through generative AI. However, when dealing with larger, more complex problems, generative AI needs to support developers in the incremental development processes. Software developers today need more architectural knowledge, more senior knowledge to work with AI today."
Trieloff Envisioning Headshot
Lars Trieloff
Principal Scientist, Adobe
"Conway's Law is that any organization that designs a system will produce a design whose structure is a copy of that organization's communication structure. If this is true, then we can architect the organizational structure so that in the end we get the software architecture that we want."
Envisioning Tomorrows Code Background


Event Kickoff
Envisioning Tomorrows Code Hildebrandt

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Döllner
"Software Development & Artificial Intelligence"
 Envisioning Tomorrows Code Döllner

Dr. Johannes Bohnet

"Leveraging the Power of AI-Based Code Production"
Watch VideoSlides

Lars Trieloff

"The Change Management Imperative of 21st Century Software Production"
Watch VideoSlides
Envisioning Tomorrows Code Trieloff

Dr. Philipp Herzig & Prof. Dr. Christian Bär
Panel Discussion "How Will We Manage Tomorrow's Software Factories?"
Watch Video
Envisioning Tomorrows Code Panel 

Sally Trivino
"With Great Power Comes Great Responsbility"
Watch VideoSlides
Envisioning Tomorrows Code Trivino

Dr. Bernd Lohmann
"Software Development in a Large Life Sciences Company"
Watch VideoSlides
Envisioning Tomorrows Code Lohmann

Dr. Martina Beck & Volker Maiborn
"The Big Five: Current Digitalization Trends in Corporations"
Envisioning Tomorrows Code MaibornWolff



Impressions of the Event

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