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Dr. Johannes Bohnet



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A Leading Expert on Corporate Software Production

As Founder & CEO of Seerene, Dr. Johannes Bohnet is the master mind behind the first holistic platform for digital engineering. Seerene combines different approaches of system analytics and AI to make development processes of complex IT systems transparent and strategically steerable in an innovative way.
After working with a great number of the biggest brands in software production, Johannes is one of the leading experts on the topic of scalable software production. Johannes' vision is to enable corporations to reliably and efficiently produce software-based business value fast, with high quality, in a cost-effective way while continuously reaching higher and higher engineering excellence.  

After studying physics, Johannes received his doctorate PhD in computer science. Before founding Seerene, he built up the research group for software analytics and visualization at the Hasso Plattner Institute in a leading position and worked for many years for a renowned IT consulting firm.

Software Production at Industrial Scale
Analytics-driven Optimization of Scales Agile (SAFe) Organizations
Management Transparency across heterogenous Software Development Organizations
Software Excellence
Digital Engineering
Software Engineering
Software Factory

Below you'll find impressions from previous speaking engagements.


Dr. Bohnet of Seerene Speaking at Finance & Insurance event
"Steuerung einer Software Factory mittels Digital Boardroom"
Dr. Johannes Bohnet at Automotive II
"Using Analytics to Establish a Data-Driven Continuous Improvement Process"
Dr. Bohnet Speaking at Automotive I
"How the Automotive Industry Can Learn from Digitally-Born Software Companies"
Dr- Johannes Bohnet, Seerene GmbH
"Unlocking Efficiency Potentials of Software Development Organizations"


3 Herausforderungen bei der Anwendung von KI und die Rolle von Deep Tech
When Software errors destroy Millions of Dollars every second
Slide Leverage >30% - video@1x_full_graphic
Cost factors in Software Production and how to save 30%
CIO-magazine-logo-1-300x202 copy
The Era of the Software Factory
Welcome Note Dr- Johannes Bohnet Rainer Pöltz Marc Hildebrandt Prof- Dr- Jürgen Döllner

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