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Master Your Digital Transformation!

Why Digital Transformations Fail

Much like other forms of innovation, digital transformation is an ongoing process. However, a successful digital transformation poses unique problems and challenges, such as:

  • Lack of expertise in digitalization
  • Deficient digitalization strategy
  • Employee pushback

While there can be multiple factors leading to these challenges, often times the root cause is at least partially due to the inherent nature of the modern software organization, which all too often lacks the transparency, accountability, and manageability to create a highly successful digital transformation.

Seerene can help your digital transformation with:

Creating a Digital Strategy

Overcoming Expertise Gaps

Migrating Systems

Creating a Digital Strategy

The Digital Boardroom is the key to a successful digital transformation, because it empowers the C-Suite and managers to strategically plan, steer, and monitor their digital transformation efforts in real time. With easily understandable KPIs, there is no longer a communication barrier between executives and their developers. Whereas now the software development organization within companies often operates like a blackbox, the Digital Boardroom shines a bright light of transparency into the metaphorical Software Factory, enabling the strategic management and alignment with corporate objectives.

The Digital Boardroom provides far more utility than the already essential ability to manage one's software organization. Its KPIs can form the basis in negotiating outsourcing contracts or identifying when system-relevant issues, such as technical debt, have become so severe that they warrant management's attention and potentially the additional investment of resources. With transparency into the inner-workings of your software development organization, an adaptive digital transformation strategy becomes exponentially easier.

The Seerene Digital Boardroom offers corporate leadership an unparalleled ability to manage and control a company's software organization, while at the same time give ownership and responsibility to the teams and enable them to make autonomous decisions that are oriented towards their local team goals as well as the global company goals. It bridges the communication gap between the business and technical departments in a way mere software tools cannot.

Overcoming Deficient Expertise & Knowledge

As mentioned before, software development's complexity often makes it impossible to manage, partially because often executives don't have a background in software. The Seerene software analytics platform addresses this challenge in two ways.

First, the Digital Boardroom provides executives and managers with universal KPIs that can be easily understood. Through this, progress can be tracked, goals can be set, and planning future IT projects becomes more reliable.

Second, the Seerene software analytics platform offers powerful visualizations of software development that help even non-techies to understand the challenges and successes on an intuitive level. Through this it becomes possible to identify negative trends early that need correction before they become critical problems. 

Software Map

Seerene's Software Maps make a successful digital transformation more likely by giving team leaders the ability to dig deeper and find the root cause of problems.

Successfully Migrating Systems

Many industries, such as finance and insurance, have decades-old heritage systems, written in obsolete languages by developers now entering retirement. This poses a large risk. Yet, some companies try to wait it out, as their aging systems creak along like a ticking time bomb.

One of the major issues hindering the migration into the cloud is the lack of transparency or visibility into the process. It creates fear of a failed migration. The Seerene platform gathers and analyzes the data from the system landscape daily, providing realtime insight into the state of the migration. It can allow you to identify, pinpoint and address issues effectively, from the start to the finish of the migration. With this, it becomes possible to migrate into the future and leave your burdensome legacy system behind.


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