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The Software Excellence Network

Brandon M. Lewis
Apr 21, 2023 1:05:03 PM

Software has become a crucial tool for modern corporations, enabling them to streamline their operations, improve their efficiency, and ultimately stay competitive in the rapidly evolving business landscape. From managing supply chains and customer relationships to automating critical processes and analyzing vast amounts of data, software has become the backbone of many businesses today. With the increasing demand for software-driven solutions, companies that fail to master their software development risk falling behind their competitors, losing market share, and struggling to adapt to changing market demands.

However, developing software can be a daunting task for many companies, even those with dedicated software development teams. Building a software product, whether for internal or external customers, requires a highly skilled workforce, a deep understanding of user needs and preferences, and a solid development process that involves multiple stages, from planning and design to coding, testing, and deployment. Moreover, software development is an ongoing process that requires continuous updates and improvements, which can put a strain on a company's resources and budget. As a result, many companies struggle to develop software in-house, and opt to outsource this critical function to third-party vendors, which can introduce its own set of challenges and risks. Despite the challenges, the importance of software for modern corporations cannot be overstated, and companies that prioritize software development will be well-positioned to thrive in the digital age.

Dr. Johannes Bohnet in conversation at the HPI

In light of the importance of software development for the competitiveness not only of individual companies, but the European economy as a whole, Seerene is proud to announce the Software Excellence Network. Together with partners such as the Hasso Plattner Institute, Roland Berger, Microsoft, and MaibornWolff, Seerene has long hosted summits for IT executives, where they had the private, collegial atmosphere in the gorgeous campus of the HPI to have an open dialogue about the most pressing software trends, challenges, and strategies. IT leaders from preeminent companies such as Audi, Bosch, or the Bundesbank would divulge their first-hand insights at these events dedicated to the collection and growth of knowledge.

Sustainability Speakers

The current state of affairs in software suggests that we are yet to attain the level of progress commensurate with the significance of this field. It is, therefore, incumbent upon experts from both the research and industrial domains to come together on an equal footing, foster a culture of collaboration, and generate innovative ideas capable of transforming the software production landscape. Our intention is to contribute meaningfully to these efforts, and promote the creation of a conducive environment for the advancement of this crucial sector.

We extend a warm invitation to all executives and experts to join our organization dedicated to facilitating software development. By joining our community, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds and industries, and together, we can confront the challenges faced in the realm of software production. Our goal is to foster an environment where innovative ideas can be generated and shared freely, with the aim of developing cutting-edge solutions that will drive the growth of businesses and the entire European economy. We believe that through concerted efforts, we can make a significant impact in the field of software development, and we look forward to welcoming you into our community.

Navigating Software Production Icon

To find out more about the Software Excellence Network, visit the website.


Photo credits: The blog preview image was created using DALL-E. "City made of binary code" was the prompt.

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