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Sharing the Roadmap: An Executive Exchange on the Future of Automotive Software

Brandon M. Lewis
Nov 6, 2023 12:12:31 PM

In the ever-evolving world of automotive technology, the synergy between cutting-edge software and the automotive industry has become a driving force for innovation. At the recent "Sharing the Roadmap: Executive Summit on the Future of Automotive Software," hosted in collaboration with the Hasso Plattner Institute, Roland Berger, MaibornWolff, and the German Deep Tech Group, top IT leaders and experts from the automotive industry converged for a day of insightful dialogue and the exchange of groundbreaking ideas. In a field where change is the only constant, staying at the forefront of automotive software development is imperative.

This exclusive event brought together the minds that are shaping the future of the automotive landscape. From industry giants to disruptive startups, the summit showcased the wisdom of those who are revolutionizing the way we think about mobility, connectivity, and software integration. As we look back on this remarkable gathering, we're excited to share with you the visual and intellectual highlights of the event, capturing the energy, innovation, and shared vision of the leaders who are shaping the future of automotive software. The master classes will follow soon.

All 70 pictures can be found in the flickr stream below. Click right or left to scroll through the photos. If you'd like the photos in higher resolution, please contact us.

Sharing the Roadmap


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