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GALLERY: Softwareproduktion & Sustainability

Brandon M. Lewis
Apr 6, 2022 12:23:52 PM

On March 31st, 2022 some of the leading digital executives in the German speaking world gathered at the preeminent Hasso Plattner Institute to discuss the most pressing challenge of our time – sustainability. More specifically, the business leaders came to exchange ideas in an exclusive atmosphere of peers about how software can promote a sustainable, green economy. It was a day of open dialogue, where CIOs and CTOs were not hesitant to challenge each other's ideas and share their own on this subject of upmost importance. Below you'll find a gallery of pictures from the event.

You can also watch most of the presentations on-demand by signing up here.

We are proud to have organized this fruitful event with our partners Microsoft and the Hasso Plattner Institute.


Photos are courtesy of photographer Sebastian Rost.

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