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Seerene-Sharing the roadmap

Sharing the Roadmap: An Executive Summit on the Future of Automotive Software - Master Classes
02. November 2023 - Videos & PowerPoints

Experience a day of exclusive insights into the transformative journey of the automotive industry. Seerene, Roland Berger, MaibornWolff and Hasso Plattner Institute cordially invite you to join a select gathering of visionary minds in automotive technology. Industry leaders discussed groundbreaking innovations, pioneering approaches, and best practices. This event fostered an environment of open dialogue among experts, providing you with the opportunity to learn from the very best. Prepare for an enlightening day of discovery and exchange in the world of automotive technology.

Speakers' Quotes

Dr- Matthias Burger of Bosch Presenting at the Sharing the Roadmap Executive Summit
 Dr. Matthias Burger
"Creating flow in large software engineering organizations is key to enhance productivity in automotive business. The idea is to quantify the flow with suitable KPIs to provide transparency and establish a continuous improvement process."
Dr. Linzmeier Profile Pic
Dr. Dirk Linzmeier
"We've moved beyond the hype and face a new reality... Modern vehicles are one of the most complex software products, with millions of lines of code."
Dr. Johannes Bohnet
"Generative A.I. will get rid of much of the repetitive and boring work for developers, meaning a large boost in productivity. But at the same time, there is a big risk. Such as that a single prompt could change a large portion of the code base or create incomprehensible complexity. Gen AI will create a lot of code, but also complexity, so it is necessary for corporations to monitor this. "
Maria Anhalt Profile Pic Sharing the Roadmap Event
Maria Anhalt
CEO, Elektrobit
"CapGemini predicts that by 2031, 35% of OEMs will base their vehicles on a common, standardized software platform. This is eight times faster or bigger than what we assumed four years ago when I moved from the high tech industry to automotive. So perhaps in a few years, it will even be more. But to get there, we still need to figure out three main challenges."



Prof. Dr. Jürgen Döllner
"Software Engineering & AI: When Machines Program Machines"
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YouTube Preview Döllner

Dr. Johannes Bohnet & Holger Wolff
"Will Generative AI Revolutionize Software Development?"​
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Dr. Dirk Linzmeier
"The 4SDV Concept"
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Maria Anhalt
"Software Comes First!"
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Markus Baum
"Automotive Software Development Under Budget Constraints"
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Dr. Matthias Burger & Felix Meyer zu Driehausen
"Create Flow in Software Engineering" 
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YouTube Previews Bosch

Steffen Herz
"Product Development in Today's Environment"
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YouTube Previews Hella Forvia

Manuel Yoon
"Revolutionizing ADAS/AD with Self-Learning AI"
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YouTube Previews Yoon


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