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Invitation to Apply for the Study: AI in Software Engineering

Sep 5, 2019 1:46:57 PM

Seerene and the Hasso-Plattner-Institute for Digital Engineering (HPI) will pioneer a new, year-long study in a move to harness the power of Artificial intelligence (AI) in software engineering.

This will be the latest in a series of successful partnerships between the company and the HPI, which is the leading university for IT systems engineering and software engineering in Germany thanks to its strong research, excellent study programs, extensive industry partnerships and the excellent educational standard.

Taking place within the framework of the new AI laboratory for Software Engineering at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, participants will research fields like AI-based analysis for the deployment planning of development teams and the computation of source code complexity, technical faults and software quality.

Companies that wish to bring the power of AI into their own software engineering processes are invited to apply for the study with a selected IT project.

For further information and steps on how to apply, please head here.

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