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Master Classes: Automotive Software Factory - Learning Curves
22. September 2022 - Videos & PowerPoints

The automotive industry is undergoing a technological transformation. Seerene, Roland Berger and the Hasso Plattner Institute hosted an exclusive event to discuss groundbreaking innovations and best practices with automotive industry leaders in an open and confidential atmosphere. Please find attached the documentation of the official speeches.

Speakers' Quotes

Automotive_Seerene_Prof. Döllner
Prof. Dr. Döllner
"Let's just start first of all with a very simple question: Is Software Engineering Engineering? A fundamental question, philosophical question and we could possibly discuss many days about this issue. In Hasso Plattner Institute we ask us this question almost every day."
Dr. Matthias Burger & Felix Meyer zu Driehausen
"Optimizing software-defined value streams is not about the solution for the perfect software company. It is about how to lead the change from a hardware-defined product to a software-defined product development process. In the past, we had a strong coupling of hardware and software. In the future, hardware and software will be decoupled. We are focusing on how to rework our processes and organizations -- how to combine the success factors from the past and the future."
Dr. Johannes Bohnet

"I have the honor to give the last talk of the day of the conference and I would like to speak about what we see at Seerene because we provide analytics to organizations that do software development. And what we see, what the concrete hurt is, the concrete difficulties are for these organizations, that they fight with on their way to achieving higher software excellence."
Automotive_Seerene_HPI_Ole Harms
Ole Harms
"Why Software is eating the world and I underlined the date. This was 2011, now it is 2022 and still in that field of OEMs and Tier 1s, we are discussing a lot about the how. What ist the Automotive OS and what is integrated to everything and what is the role of which player in this whole thing. But at least to my judgement: it is much too slow."



Prof. Dr. Jürgen Döllner
Commencement speech


Jean-Francois Tarabbia
"Changing Role of a Tier 1 in the Automotive Industry"
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Ole Harms
"The 10 (Most Important) Design Criteria to Establish a Successful Technology Company"  
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Andreas Sicheneder
"Digital Transformation in the Automotive Industry: How Corporate Owned Digital Units Boost Car Manufacturers to Go Beyond Engineering and Sales" 
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Oliver Bahns
"Some Observations on How to Make the Software Factory Work"
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Dr. Matthias Burger
Felix Meyer zu Driehausen
"Optimizing Software-Defined Value Streams" 
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Ralf Schmidt
"From Silos to Complex Systems – a Transformation Journey for an Automotive Tier 1 Supplier
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Jörg Seitter
"The Software-Defined Vehicles as Part of Reliable Distributed Systems"
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Leo Shiwei Li
"Transformation of the Chinese Automotive
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Dr. Johannes Bohnet
"Highest Software Excellence: Using Analytics to Establish a Data-Driven Continuous Improvement Process"
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Impressions of the Event

For Impressions of Automotive 2021 please click here.


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